Little milk
Every mother’s secret hope – a child sleeping through the night.
We present you Nutrino Little Milk! It is a liquid cereal porridge, ready to use. Nutrino Little Milk contains both milk and cereals that give a feeling of fullness to the child, as they are rich in fibres.
It is perfect for consumption both at home and on the move, it can be used right away or poured into a baby bottle. It is suitable before sleeping time or during the day.
Nutrino Little Milk is enriched with inulin which is good for the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract of your child, as it belongs to the group of prebiotics and stimulates the growth of the bacteria from lactic acid fermentation – probiotics. Inulin can increase the absorption of calcium in the body, it helps the development of a normal gut flora and acts as any vegetable fibre – facilitating digestion.